Tuesday, November 30, 2010


No, I am not talking of the Automated Teller Machine but Abstinence Till Marriage.

Just in case you may be wondering whether in this day and age people still save themselves for marriage, I am here to confirm to you that it still happens and it is very much possible.

I know I know, it's not easy to remain pure, but for sure it's possible.

One of the great consolations is in knowing that you aren't denying yourself something, rather you are saving for yourself a very special gift.

I seem to be talking in parables you may say, but just ask around from people who saved themselves for marriage and for sure they will tell you that it was the best decision ever.

One important thing to note here, is that it's not by our will power that we choose to remain since the flesh is desperately wicked and you all have to agree with me that the flesh craves for physical intimacy.

So you may ask, what then makes people to be chaste till marriage,well it's Jesus Christ.
He is the one who gives the strength to stay pure.

I believe at times one may have fallen, not necessarily having gone the whole nine yards but succumbed to these fleshly desires none the less, I just want to offer this encouragement not all is lost. 
God is a God of Second chances, even Third, Fifth and so on, so just call unto Him and  He'll be your guide.